How Entropy Relates To UX Design
In module 4 we looked at the law of entropy in technology. This states that all technologies trend toward disaster, and ultimately their downfall. As a product develops, the entropy or amount of disaster increases. What we also discussed was the S-Curve Model and paradigm shifts. In my blog today I will cover how entropy, the S-Curve Model, and paradigm shifts relate to UX Design. S-CurveModel (Figure 1. Typical Technology S-Curve., n.d.) I will begin this blog by talking about how UX design can be connected to entropy, I will talk about what we covered about the S-Curve Model and the paradigm shift. The S-Curve Model is used to visualize the entropy of a product. Simply put, it is a chart that shows the rate of the trend for a product, or really anything. Beginning with the introduction of it, then moving to the growth, next the m...